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Thursday, January 28, 2010

I woke up as usual, which is at 6a.m. in the morning. I did not know why, but I could not open my eyes. I walk around my house with only one eye open even when I took my bath. I dried my wet hair and styled it as my father was waiting for me in his car. It took approximately 35minutes for me to reach school as we were stuck in the middle of a traffic jam. I could even sleep in the car! My father is going for an overseas trip to Taiwan at 12 noon and will be back this coming Tuesday. It was a normal and ordinary school day. Nothing really interesting happened.

The last bell rang (My favourite time of the day) and I went to Parkway with my friends to Subway. We had our lunch there. I treated one of my friends but accidentally added bacon had to treat him again. On the way home, my mother called me and asked if I wanted to visit my new house, followed by shopping at Bugis. I willingly agreed. I went back to my current house, had a bath and waited for my mother to fetch me. Time passed by so slowly. We went to the new house for about 15 minutes and proceeded to Bugis after that . I bought a newly launched vest for Chinese New Year. It costs around $100. But my mum covered it up by saying there was a 20% discount. Yes, I'd like to believe that. =) Since my mum wanted to get her own clothes, off to Bugis Street I go! I bought 4 new shorts, on top of my vest. I think I should stop spending mindlessly. =X Lastly, we went to a famous japanese restaurant to have our dinner and bought some dessert back home to eat. I didn't know that Roti Prata is also sold in Japanese restaurants, WEIRD! The sky is getting darker and off to home we went. After a good shower and some dessert. I could hear my head screaming for bed. Thank God, the weekends are approaching, I could sleep for as long as I want. After all, I'm Eugene!

Something unusual.


I woke up at six in the morning to get ready for to school. "You have 10 new messages and 5 missed calls." Wow, that shocked me! It turned out that my friends were bored and wanted to chat with me. Well, fast forward to the time I get to school. First period was English, Mr. Maran showed us the rest of the movie, "Dirty Harry". We had to do a summary of the movie. The movie was an old movie. At first when I started watching the show, it appeared to be a very boring movie but it actually turned out to be a very nice and interesting show. I paid attention throughout the whole movie! That was the only fun program that happened that day. I thought old movies were boring but I was wrong, Dirty Harry was one of the best movies I have ever watched! It was great. Thank you Mr Maran.

After school, I went for training again but I went for my jump training instead of the usual throwing. At around 6.30pm, my mother came to fetch me to my new house. My Father was there checking out the renovations and touching up the paint. We left the house at about 7pm to have dinner at Ang Mo Kio Hub. "New York New York" sounds like a nice place to dine at. But ironically, the food was not to my liking. I regretted wanting to have dinner there. We went shopping around the mall for a little while as it was quite late already and there is no school tomorrow. We reached home at approximately 11pm. I wasn't tired yet, so I started using my computer before going to bathe and sleep. When I was about to sleep, I had forgotten to packed my bag. Therefore, I had to drag my precious sleeping time up to 12 o'clock before going to bed. I was on my way to dreamland when the abrupt buzz from my phone brought me falling back to Earth. I ignored it as I was too tired, and went back to sleep.

Something that took place in school.


Today, something bad happened in class. It was just a few minutes away . Finally, the bell rang and the whole class gave a sigh of relief as the lesson was over. We thanked our Science teacher and then he left the class. The class got a little bit rowdy when the teacher left the class. My classmates were walking around the class and some even went out of the class to get a breather. My Malay friends and I were walking around and making jokes while waiting for our literature teacher to come. Suddenly, I saw my friend, Hong Jie, strangling my friend, Branson, when I was coming back from the toilet. My other classmates managed to break the fight. I was about to open my mouth and scold Hong Jie but i didn't because he was still angry and I don’t want to agitate him. I went out with my Malay friends to asked Branson why Hong Jie strangled him. It turned out that he accidentally said something that somehow insulted Hong Jie which made Hong Jie unhappy. We laughed and made some jokes before going back to class. My Literature teacher was still not here so my classmates, Sufiyan, Darren and Mahes, went to ask Hong Jie why he strangled Branson. All of a sudden, Hong Jie grabbed Sufiyan by the face and shoulders and banged him against the metal cabinet. Darren and Mahes ran away from him. Sufiyan tried to break loose of Hong Jie's grip but failed. My Malay friends and I wanted to help but it was too awful to watch. The class monitor, Mark, ran to the scene and grabbed Hong Jie by the back. With great force, Mark pulled Hong Jie away and broke Sufiyan free. Mark then had a slow talk with Hong Jie to cool him down.

Sufiyan look normal, still smiling to us and when he wiped his face, the unexpected happened. His fingers were covered with blood. I looked at his face and there was a few scratches on his face and they were bleeding.. Immediately, I told him to go to the toilet to wash the wound and went to find our form teacher, Mr. Tan Chong Kiat. Some of my classmates accompanied him to the toilet. A couple of minutes after they left the class, our Literature teacher, Mr. Daniel Tan, entered the class. He asked the whole class what just happened and shook his head before starting the lesson. This incident did not really affect my concentration in class and I continued listening to what Mr Tan was teaching but I did not really take in what he said. Lesson went smoothly and after that lesson, Mr Tan Chong Kiat came to our class after recess to talk to us about that incident. After school, a few of my friends and I went training together. My body was aching badly today as it was gym training today. I waited for my father for around 1 hour outside school and finally he came at about 6pm. We then went home to meet Mum for dinner.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
A special moment with my family.

Today was ordinary.I woke up at 8.40am to accompany my father to my new house to check on the renovation. Before going to the new house, we went to buy paint and breakfast. We waited for about 1 hour for the renovation workers to come and they installed many electronical stuff. Things were not going smoothly as the security guard came up to the house to ask the workers to stop work by 1pm as it was a Saturday. Apparently, some residents complained about the noise. He went down after that and my father told them to continue working as there is no one currently staying at the level above or below us. At about 5.30pm my father asked them to stop work and to continue on Monday. After they packed up and left, my father and I also packed our belongings and went home.

We decided to go chinatown to eat after washing up at home. We were about to eat when, coincidentally, it was the day of the Chinese New Year light up ceremony. It was very crowded and everyone was pushing to get a good spot for a good view of the show, fireworks and fire crackers. At about 9.45pm it started to drizzle and the fireworks continued its display but it was suppose to start at 10pm. After the firework, I was pushing around to get out of that crowded place and I met the Russian girls that befriended me in Phuket last year. They were shocked to see me there and since it was crowded, we can't stand there to talk so we exchange emails and we separated. We went straight to eat because we should have eaten much earlier and we went around viewing the chinese new year night market. We went home after the shop had mostly close. I reached home at around 11.30 p.m. Good night.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
What Happened Today.

I camera shy haha i hid behind seamus. you can only see one side of my face(;

Today was awesome. I woke up at one in the afternoon and pulled myself out of bed to wash up and get ready to start the day. While eating my breakfast, I turned on the computer and started surfing the internet. My friend called at about 2.30pm and ask if I was free to go to his house to accompany some friends to Bugis. I agreed and took a cab down to meet up with them. Yes, it was expensive. We went down to Iluma. The arcade was our main destination but the girls wanted to go the Bugis Street to shop instead. While walking, one of them accidentally stepped on my slipper and the straps snapped! I had to stagger around and it was really uncomfortable as the slipper kept sliding off. I had no choice but to buy myself a new pair of slippers.
After getting my desired pair of slippers, we continued our shopping spree.

Bro drunk.Brought out fire extinguisher from the restaurant.

At approximately 9.30p.m. We took two cabs down to Geylang to eat. We all went to a newly opened steamboat restaurant and ate till 12a.m. We ate slowly and leisurely while catching up with one another's school life. It cost about $126 for the 7 of us. It was really fortunate as there was no GST or service charge otherwise it would have cost alot more. We went around Geylang after we finished our dinner and the girls were scared for a certain reason. We stopped for durians and ate about 9 durians altogether! I had a sickly and nauseous feeling after that. We walked around the area after eating durians to digest the food. We separated after a couple of minutes of walking and I took a cab home after that. I think I burned a new,BIG hole in my pocket today. I need to stop spending money mindlessly. So with that new resolution, off to my bed I go. I want to sleep. NOW!


Victoria School
110196 :D

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: Eugene K